Monday, November 29, 2010

Partly cloudy with a chance of showers..............

Being here reminds me a lot of the BVLD weather report, in the summer, "partly sunny with a chance of showers," in the winter "partly sunny with a chance of flurries."  Therefore all is covered in once sentence.  Got up this morning thinking it would be a beautiful day, but within minutes, there was the downpour.  Oh well, you can't buy weather.  For us it's only a minor inconvenience.  For the folk here, it's a real problem.  By Wednesday it's to be beautiful, fo we'll just hope for it then.
 Dad tried to be a bit of a rebel last night.  We've been seeing these "fish" swimming towards the light at the dock.  His "plan" was to steal a big net used for cleaning the pool when no one was watching and scoop up a couple of them.  At the last second he was busted so so much for that.  We'll try again another time.  They look like eel.  A man at the beach had a "fish book".  Kind of reminded of someone in our family and their "bird book".  By the way, the birds here are so cute.  Would be wonderful for a bird watcher.  I'll sign off for now and post more later.  Breakfast time!  Love to you all!


  1. interesting. nice try dad! just a reminder- im NOT coming there to bail you guys out of jail..or will i?? haha.


  2. I'll go with you Chels! Good excuse to go don't you think?
    Aunt Marg

  3. I don't know if you guys will be allowed to go on vacation by yourself again! Trying to sneak onto a cruise ship, trying to steal fish from the ocean... rebels!

  4. good idea keri..i think they need a chaperone next time...SHOTGUN
