Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Sabbath day and trying to keep it holy

Today is the Sabbath, and it hard to remember it when you are in the sunny south!  We did have some holy time this morning and <I{m sure the good Lord will forgive us for leading our own worship time.  We are not Catholic, and we don{t really understand Spanish, so no sense going to Chur4ch.  We did our own, and we hope the <lord accepts.-
Please forgive the bad punctuation because I broke down and bought some internet from the business center.  >Incredible the prices they can charge, but oh well  you do wehat you gotta do!
This morning we are going into Playa del Carmen, and doing some shopping.  Florence met up with a Cheapa Phillipa, so we{ll see what he has to give us today.
Listened to some of Curt{s hockey game last night.  The technology of that just blows me away, sitting in the hot humidity of Mexico listening to:  [and Dekens says {not in MY back yard you don{t  What a mind boggling thing.  Can{t wait to hear between the benches from the hockey game of last night.
We are so grateful for health and strength from our Good Lord, and that we have the opportunity to explore the world!  We{ll talk to you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. In sure Jesus will forgive you although you could probably find a Jesus or two along the beach to ask yourself ;)

    We are declaring this day too cold to leave the house.
