Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day two

First on our minds today is sweet little Isaac.  He is having his sugery today which started this whole ball rolling with this huge adventure.  We are praying for him of course but also for his parents and the doctors looking after him.  We are so proud of the grandchildren we have here.  Eli was not feeling well yesterday.  I get up to check on him and Maya has her "Little Book of Prayers" and she is praying with him!  It was so beautiful!  The first thing that came to her mind.  They look after each other so well.  Even though there are three beds in their room, they choose to sleep together.  What love there is between those two!
Yesterday it was quite cool outside, and of course rain.  That song "It never rains in California" was of course wrong on the first day!  This morning looks much more promising.  Although it's cool, because it's so early in the morning, there is blue sky all around.  We'll be more prepared today. We brought along warm and cool clothes for the kids but of course forgot about ourselves.  Leroy was quite cold for most of the day.
Today we'll see what kind of adventures are in store for us today.  We've rented strollers for the kids.  What a great system that is.  They would have never made it with all the walking we did.
So while our minds are with Isaac, we will be thinking and praying for him a lot, we are about to have fun with the other two.  Hopefully more pictures to follow.


  1. So happy everyone is feeling better and the sun is shining :) you all deserve it!! Chels

  2. Looks like you guys are having a fantastic time! Love the pictures! Love you all
    Keri and Mark
