Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday January 9 2012

This is supposed to be the full moon.  My favorite part of going away is seeing the moon on a clear night.  We are facing the wrong side for sunsets.  Obviously not the wrong side for sunrises, just haven't made it up that early for them yet.  Hopefully it will happen, buy I'm not in a hurry for it.
Enjoyed a nice day at the beach.  I think I already posted about the adventure looking for a poker room, but not sure.  Went to the Mexican restaurant for supper last night.  The buffet we see people waiting in  line for what looks like forever.  So far we haven't had to do that. (yet)  During our adventure we came across the "town". Our rep told us there was no town.  Maybe we misunderstood.  Regardless we'll go exploring there this morning.  Would rather shop that way than the touristy way.  This aft we hope to go on the zip lines.  That should be excitement followed by absolute terror!  Should be a blast.  The battery for the camera went dead yesterday, but we did get a couple of pics.


  1. what is up with dads shirt? is it signed?? wow dad, what a red face!!!!i love your shirt too mom, doesnt look like you've had as much girl!!


  2. Haha Dad looks like you got your burn on right away! Even though you may be still sensitive I am completely jealous... yes even jealous of the pain. Hope your zip line was awesome.



  3. looks like you guys got into some dominican reefer... way to go
