Saturday, January 30, 2016

Thanks Mark and Keri

When mark and Keri were home for Christmas, they downloaded a website for the Canadian traveller.  One day I decided to read about some rules and regulations in Cuba.
I found it quite interesting, and enlightening.  Dad was talking about renting a car.  Well they said, don't rent a car, should you get get into an accident and inadvertently injure someone, you'll be automatically  found guilty and improsoned until your trial where you will have to prove your innocence.  Mrs. Locked Up Abroad expert is a little paranoid when it comes to that.  Upon entering Cuba there was a question as to whether you were carrying nRcotics to which I of course checked yes.  Well I could not sleep for the entire flight because of that.  Of course Mrs. Locked Up Abroad expert is also Mrs. Border Patrol expert.  Guess I could call myself a reality show expert.  Regardless, they simply took our cards without even looking at them and said have a nice stay.  The other day at the market a lady who had made some hats for us was saying how sore her neck was and of course I was thinking, well I have something for WHATEVER ails you!  Thank goodness Mrs. Locked UP Abroad expert came into play!
Well that's a bit of a rant again, just thought you might be interested. 
One more funny thing though about that website.  They caution about using those old cars that they have turned into taxis.  Their reason?  Well they don't don't have airbags, and some don't even have seatbelts!  Well thank you Government of Canada!  I would have never thought of that!


  1. Love reading once again. This one made me really laugh. You truly are the expert!

  2. So glad its helped you out! ๐Ÿ˜€ though your "stories" are helpful too. Love you!

  3. So glad its helped you out! ๐Ÿ˜€ though your "stories" are helpful too. Love you!
