For years and years and years every country we have been to we have looked for these chairs but to no avail! We really would LOVE everyone's permission to buy your children one of these! Not joking you! We bought one for Maya way back when and it was her "reading chair". But after a while it didn't work anymore BUT you never know it just might work now. Anyway. Even though you say you don't want anything, we would LOVE to buy them SOMETHING!!!! So we're asking for a wish list. AND WE'RE SERIOUS!!!!! Want to buy them something that would pass the parents restrictions whether it be jewellery a hat, or clothing Judy SOMETHING they would like, that you would be okay with. We're serious. You know we're not going to come home empty handed, so make it a bit easier on us okay?
Looking forward to your answers. If it doesn't work posting on the blog, it will work on email. We are able to check at least twice a day.
But in other news we finally made it off the resort! Basing in the sunshine here at the artisans market. Can't see what I'm typing because the sun is glaring on me. Also don have sunscreen on but hoping for the best.
A solid yea from us!!! Best grand parents ever!! Chels