Monday, April 13, 2015


Quite an event filled day yesterday.  We had quite a few problems with mr. Garmin yesterday.  First we were off to see Jerrys mom.  Mr. Garmin led us right past the building I thought it should be and to a soccer field.  I didn't quite think that was right and said to your dad, I think that was it back there a d my Aunt was probably sitting by a window watching this car drive by with a Canadian flag thinking well there they go, right. .  Sure enough we talk to her and she says, yeah I thought that must be you, with the flag and I thought you had made it close anyway.  
We spent a lot of time in round a bouts back and forth.  I don't think the maps are updated too well.  There is so much construction.  At a traffic circle, you can only turn right and take the correct exit.  Sure enough Mr.  Garmin gives the instruction, "turn left at the round about."  Nothing would make a Canadian more confused.  
Dad has learned a lot from Jerry and Joost about the rules of the road.  It's easier to hear it from someone who can explain it properly when you see the signs.  Kind of like getting professional lessons.  There are some strange rules.  The person entering the street from the right always has the right of way, unless they are higher than you.  Anyway dad is catching on very well.  I am quite glad we did get a car but I'm thinking about not telling him that quite yet.  It so handy to not have to rely on anyone to get anywhere.  Well dad is waiting for me to get ready for the day so I'll let you know more later.

1 comment:

  1. the history you guys are getting to experience is NOTHING like what we can see here. how cool! well, off to take the kids to school. hopfully chat later :)
    take care
